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April Acceleration Academy gives students the opportunity to receive a month’s worth of small group, targeted instruction in the subject area of Math or Science.

Schools select students using multiple forms of outcome data (MCAS, benchmark assessments).

During the program, instruction is based on a narrow instructional focus tied to a limited number of key concepts/standards based on the data.

Acceleration Academy Dates

Math/Science-focused Acceleration Academy during April Vacation, April 16-19, 2024 (Tuesday-Friday)

Teacher Requirements:

  • As a selected teacher, you will be required to:
    • Attend a virtual DESE PD Session
    • Submit lesson plans for the week
    • attend up to 5 hours of school-based PD in advance of Acceleration Academy to support rigorous instruction
  • To be eligible:
    • Staff must have proficient or exemplary ratings from SY23 to be eligible and be licensed in their subject area.
    • Staff should also have experience using data to drive instruction and be able to articulate their role in driving student growth and achievement.

Application is Due on March 8, 2024

There is no longer a DESE application for Acceleration Academy. The application will be submitted directly through Lawrence Public Schools on ESS and through a Google form.

Only applicants who complete both of these applications will be considered.


If you have questions about the application and Acceleration Academies, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and write "2024 Acceleration Academy" in the email's subject line.

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Central Office

237 Essex Street, Lawrence, MA 01840
Phone 978-975-5900 Fax 978-722-8544


Family Resource Center

237 Essex Street. 4th Floor, Lawrence, MA 01840
Phone 978-975-5900 Fax 978-722-8551